Modern Philosophy
epub, pdf |eng | 2020-09-17 | Author:Giorgio Agamben

* * * First of all, the image is not a substance but an accident that is found in the mirror, not as in a place but as in a ...
( Category: Modern Philosophy April 25,2021 )
epub |eng | 2013-01-30 | Author:John Lippitt & George Pattison [Lippitt, John & Pattison, George]

III. FEAR AND TREMBLING In two long letters from the Judge to A, Volume Two of Either/Or contains a critique of the aesthetic stage from the point of view of ...
( Category: Philosophy History & Survey April 12,2021 )
epub |eng | 2013-11-25 | Author:John Grier Hibben & Eric v.d. Luft [Hibben, John Grier & Luft, Eric v.d.]

Essence as the Ground of Existence (§§ 115-130) Hegel first considers the category of essence under the aspect of the ground of existence. The conception of the ground of existence ...
( Category: Modern Philosophy March 29,2021 )
epub |eng | 2018-10-18 | Author:Kant, Immanuel & Hume, David [Kant, Immanuel]

Notes 31 This argument is drawn from Dr. Berkeley; and indeed most of the writings of that very ingenious author form the best lessons of scepticism, which are to be ...
( Category: Modern Philosophy March 1,2021 )
epub |eng | | Author:René Descartes [René Descartes]

( Category: Modern Philosophy February 25,2021 )
epub |eng | | Author:Ludwig Wittgenstein [Ludwig Wittgenstein]

( Category: Modern Philosophy February 23,2021 )
epub |eng | | Author:John Dewey

NOTES First published as a pamphlet by the Society for Ethical Culture, New York, 1938, 15 pp. Republished in LW.13.294–304. ††1.†††††“About,” New York ...
( Category: Philosophy History & Survey February 12,2021 )
epub |eng | 2004-12-31 | Author:Friedrich Nietzsche

2 Sensuality: for all hair-shirted body-despisers their thorn and stake, and cursed as ‘world’ by all believers in a world behind: for it mocks and makes fools of all teachers ...
( Category: Modern Philosophy January 15,2021 )
epub |eng | | Author:Durant Drake [Durant Drake]

Sins of untruthfulness are not so seductive or, usually, so serious as those we have been considering; but for that reason they are perhaps more pervasive - we are less ...
( Category: Modern Philosophy November 26,2020 )
epub |eng | 2018-09-21 | Author:Martin Heidegger [Ewegen, Julia Goesser Assaiante and S. Montgomery]

REVIEW 1) Logic as the reflection about reflection without an attachment to things. On the power of the self-reflection of subjectivity and pure thinking (Rilke, Hölderlin) In this lecture on ...
( Category: Modern Philosophy November 21,2020 )
epub |eng | 2020-01-14 | Author:Benedictus de Spinoza [Spinoza, Benedictus de]

DEFINITIONS OF THE EMOTIONS 1.††Desire is the essence of man, so far as we conceive that essence [to be] determined to an action by any given affection. Explan. ...
( Category: Rationalist Philosophy November 17,2020 )
epub |eng | | Author:Orchard, Vivienne

Notes to Chapter 3 1. The published proceedings, États-Généraux de la philosophie, are henceforth abbreviated as EG. 2. Le Dœuff, 'The Philosopher in the Classroom', p. 5. 3. The interview ...
( Category: Modern Philosophy November 17,2020 )
azw3 |eng | 2015-05-26 | Author:Dagobert D. Runes [Runes, Dagobert D.]

SAADIA BEN JOSEPH The philosophy of the Arabic Jews was likewise little more than religious exegesis. The same Aristotelianism and Neoplatonism served them in explaining the texts of the prophets ...
( Category: Religious Philosophy November 17,2020 )
epub |eng | 2011-02-01 | Author:Ross, Nathan;

b) That Mechanism follows from Syllogism This first articulation of objectivity as the ‘being-in-and-for-itself’ of the concept does not, however, just gain its authority for Hegel from a popular usage ...
( Category: Modern Philosophy November 17,2020 )
epub |eng | 2008-11-15 | Author:Shaw, Tamsin;

CHAPTER 4 Nietzsche as a Moral Antirealist INTRODUCTION Nietzsche’s political skepticism, I have argued, derives from the following set of arguments: stable political authority requires normative consensus; this consensus must ...
( Category: Modern Philosophy November 17,2020 )